When does our privacy statement apply?

This statement applies to you when you use our electronic channels only. Our electronic channels refer to:

  • Our website
  • Our mobile banking app and ussd
  • Our online advertisements and social media networks

Proceeding with the use our electronic channels will be deemed as being in agreement with these privacy statements and guidelines as well any other agreements you may have entered into with DTB.

Please note that this privacy statement does not apply to our face to face or other channels.

Guidelines on information we may collect about you:

DTB is committed to protecting the privacy of your information shared with us via our electronic channels. The following guidelines will apply to what we can/cannot collect about you:

  • We will be guided by the laws of the countries where we operate
  • We will be transparent about our intentions
  • We will only ask for the information that is relevant to complete your transaction successfully or inform our product development team – nothing more, nothing less
  • We will use appropriate tools and procedures to ensure we keep your information private and secure
  • We will ensure we appraise and train all third party suppliers and vendors on our privacy policies
  • We will use information collected to improve our technical platforms, customer support and marketing efforts

Information we may collect about you:

Every time you visit our electronic channels, the following information may be collected about you:

  • Your IP address
  • Your browser information e.g. Google chrome, internet explorer, mozilla firefox etc
  • The website you are visiting us from and the website you visit after
  • The time, date and duration of your visit/li>

In addition, to complete certain transactions, we may collect personal information about you such as:

  • Your name, gender and age
  • Your addresses i.e. physical, postal and email
  • Your telephone number
  • Your PIN

How do we collect information about you?

DTB will use advanced technology to collect information about you that includes, but is not limited to, cookies on our sites.

What do we use the information we collect about you for?

As DTB is committed to collecting only what is important for its purposes, we will use the information we collect about you for:

  • Better content strategy
  • Marketing and product development
  • Completing user generated transactions e.g. account opening, balance enquiries, mini statements, funds transfers among others

Who can I contact for more information/ to report abuse?

Please contact us via [email protected].